What’s the first emotion that jumps into your mind when you see the word “accountability”? Is it a positive or negative reaction? Does it perhaps bring up the thought of being “checked up on”? For many people, accountability is associated with finger pointing and blame. It does not have to be that way.

The truth is we all need some accountability. It’s good for us. Accountability gets things done that might not otherwise be done or it may prevent actions being put on the long finger. The simple fact that we know that we will be discussing our progress (or lack of) automatically results in us completing more activities than if there is no accountability.

The approach of positive accountability is very effective in my work with business owners and managers. A client recently joked that I’m like a teacher who sits down and helps them to figure out the “homework” that needs to be done. The follow up actions and activity from the meeting (the “homework”) is where real progress is made. It’s so important to agree on WHO will complete the activities, WHAT will be done and WHEN it will be done by. Clarity is key here. Sounds logical and simple but many people simply don’t do it.

I find its best to not be in the business of homework checking however. The positive accountability sessions are designed to ensure that owners and managers keep on track with agreed key tasks and activities. If a client is struggling for whatever reason in completing the work, the accountability sessions are invaluable in getting to the root of why that is happening. It also allows solutions to be found, based on discussion and reflection, to reduce the likelihood of that happening again going forward.

So ask yourself, how can you make accountability a supportive and positive process, based on reflection and discussion, in your organisation? How can you help people to do their best work, ensuring key tasks and activities are completed to a high standard and on time? Its worth exploring as the benefits to the company and to individuals are considerable. Engagement levels are better. Relationships are better. Results are better.

Positive Accountability Works.

Get In Touch to schedule an exploratory chat about how I can help your business