
Real Conversations With Real People

Real Conversations With Real People

Real conversations with real people. It's so important as leaders and managers that we create an environment where we are having grown up, adult to adult, real conversations with the people we work with. When real conversations take place in a safe and constructive...

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The EQ Edge

The EQ Edge

Our teams, our peers and the people we report to all benefit considerably when we work on developing our emotional intelligence. It's a learned skillset that is vital to the success of leaders and managers. The EQ Edge book takes a deep dive into the area of Emotional...

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Showing Someone You Believe In Them

Showing Someone You Believe In Them

We all need someone to show that they believe in us. Support from someone we trust and respect can empower and inspire us to new heights in our work. More on this in todays video As always, thanks for watching and please leave a comment...

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Being In Control

Being In Control

As leaders and managers, we need to exercise an appropriate level of control. We need to ensure that we are not becoming our own bottleneck and that we are supporting and empowering our teams to thrive and grow and perform to their full potential. More on this in...

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Self Compassion At Work

Self Compassion At Work

Introducing self compassion to our work is powerful. One of the obstacles to embracing it is sometimes we feel that we will become lazy or our standards will drop. More and more research is showing that not only does that not happen, we are more productive, more...

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