“You’re never ready for what you have to do. You just do it. That makes you ready.”

This is a quote from Journalist Flora Rheta Schreiber on starting before we feel ready. I saw it recently in a James Clear weekly newsletter. It really resonated with me.

It brought to mind so many coaching sessions where leaders and managers I work with were starting on a journey of change.

It’s key to just take the first small step. We don’t need to see the entire road ahead. When we are on our journey, it is essential to ask for help from people who are in a position to help us. Its a gift to be able to give people the opportunity to help us in a meaningful way.

There is no need to wait until we are fully ready. Take the first step and then figure out the next one using our own strengths and abilities and the help of people around us.

More on this in todays video

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