Being In Control

Being In Control

As leaders and managers, we need to exercise an appropriate level of control. We need to ensure that we are not becoming our own bottleneck and that we are supporting and empowering our teams to thrive and grow and perform to their full potential. More on this in...
Stop Doing One Thing Today

Stop Doing One Thing Today

What is one thing you could STOP doing today that would really serve you? Very often, we are focussed on starting new habits, routines, behaviours or thinking patterns. That’s very important of course and it can result in real progress. However, it is also...
Emotional Intelligence : Decision Making

Emotional Intelligence : Decision Making

Self awareness of how our emotional state can impact our decision making is crucial if we want to grow and be impactful as leaders and managers. The 4th building block of Emotional intelligence is Decision Making and it has three key components 1. Problem Solving2....