Showing Someone You Believe In Them

Showing Someone You Believe In Them

We all need someone to show that they believe in us. Support from someone we trust and respect can empower and inspire us to new heights in our work. More on this in todays video As always, thanks for watching and please leave a comment below.      ...
Stop Doing One Thing Today

Stop Doing One Thing Today

What is one thing you could STOP doing today that would really serve you? Very often, we are focussed on starting new habits, routines, behaviours or thinking patterns. That’s very important of course and it can result in real progress. However, it is also...
Slow Down To Speed Up

Slow Down To Speed Up

Creating space for ourselves to slow down is essential. If we are constantly being “busy” all the time, we inevitably will miss some great ideas and opportunities that are right in front of us. One of the best ways to speed up and to be more effective and...
Being Ready

Being Ready

“You’re never ready for what you have to do. You just do it. That makes you ready.” This is a quote from Journalist Flora Rheta Schreiber on starting before we feel ready. I saw it recently in a James Clear weekly newsletter. It really resonated with...
5 + 5 Breathing

5 + 5 Breathing

Feeling agitated while having a challenging conversation? Anxious about an upcoming presentation? Feeling a little frazzled about something? When we feel like this, we are in Fight, Flight or Freeze Mode. The good news is that there is a very quick and simple way to...
Happy Christmas One And All

Happy Christmas One And All

As I reflect on the year, I feel incredibly grateful to have had the privilege to coach so many wonderful people. I have learned so much from each and every person and I am thankful for that and also that I have had the opportunity to contribute in a positive way to...