Real Conversations With Real People

Real Conversations With Real People

Real conversations with real people. It’s so important as leaders and managers that we create an environment where we are having grown up, adult to adult, real conversations with the people we work with. When real conversations take place in a safe and...
The EQ Edge

The EQ Edge

Our teams, our peers and the people we report to all benefit considerably when we work on developing our emotional intelligence. It’s a learned skillset that is vital to the success of leaders and managers. The EQ Edge book takes a deep dive into the area of...
Emotional Intelligence : Interpersonal

Emotional Intelligence : Interpersonal

People work with people. Our ability to create and maintain mutually beneficial interpersonal working relationships based on understanding, trust and empathy is essential to our success and growth. We need to look at three key components that make up the third...
Helping To Remove Doubt

Helping To Remove Doubt

Who has helped you to get to where you are now in your career? We all need a little help to reach our full potential. Many of the people I work with tell me that they would never have thought 20 years ago that they would be where they are today. Ability and hard work...
What Would Kindness Do?

What Would Kindness Do?

What would kindness do? Its a great question to ask ourselves when we are trying to figure out how to deal with a situation. No-one really knows what’s going on in others peoples lives. An approach that has served my clients (and myself!) very well is to start...