Emotional Intelligence : Stress Management

Emotional Intelligence : Stress Management

Our ability to manage stress has never been more necessary and essential. The modern workplace and life in general throws up no shortage of challenges. In the 5th and final part of our series on Emotional Intelligence, we look at Stress Management Stress Management is...
Emotional Intelligence : Decision Making

Emotional Intelligence : Decision Making

Self awareness of how our emotional state can impact our decision making is crucial if we want to grow and be impactful as leaders and managers. The 4th building block of Emotional intelligence is Decision Making and it has three key components 1. Problem Solving2....
Emotional Intelligence and Self Expression

Emotional Intelligence and Self Expression

The second building block of Emotional Intelligence is Self Expression. We need to have the ability to express our thoughts and feelings in a constructive and socially acceptable way, based on our Self Perception. We become better at Self Expression when we work on...
Emotional Intelligence and Self Perception

Emotional Intelligence and Self Perception

The first building block of Emotional Intelligence is Self Perception. We need to know our authentic inner selves if we are to realise our full potential. We need to examine Self Perception in three key areas 1. Self Regard 2. Self Actualistation 3. Emotional Self...
Emotional Intelligence Series Introduction

Emotional Intelligence Series Introduction

Emotional Intelligence is essential if we want to perform at our best as leaders and managers. In todays video, I introduce what Emotional Intelligence is. It’s the first in a series of 6 short videos covering this essential topic for anyone looking to be their...
5 + 5 Breathing

5 + 5 Breathing

Feeling agitated while having a challenging conversation? Anxious about an upcoming presentation? Feeling a little frazzled about something? When we feel like this, we are in Fight, Flight or Freeze Mode. The good news is that there is a very quick and simple way to...