Leadership & Management Performance Coaching

Coaching and Business


The modern business world and workplace can be very challenging at times. Every business, owner, manager and employee needs to keep growing, adapting and evolving. Working with a business coach brings a fresh, objective and insightful perspective when and where it’s needed most. Business coaching is similar in many ways to personal coaching as the process involves the coach helping to move people and businesses from where they are now to where they really want to be. 


Businesses owners, managers and employees benefit from my proven coaching methodology developed over many years working in multiple business sectors using the most effective coaching models. Clients work with me because I understand and fully relate to their reality, their mindset, their opportunities, their concerns and their challenges. My solution focussed approach helps businesses and individuals to achieve their vision and goals.


Personal Performance Coaching

I work with owners, managers and employees providing support in a broad range of personal performance coaching areas

Values, Strengths, Behaviours & Resources Work

SMART Goal Setting & Decision Making

Time Management & Prioritisation

Work / Life Balance

Professional & Personal Wellbeing

Stress Management

Mental Fitness

Resilience & Commitment

Belief Systems Coaching

Cognitive Behavioural Coaching

How I Help Leaders & Managers

Executive & Leadership Coaching

Newly appointed, middle and senior managers all face numerous challenges.They need an empowering engagement where they can talk through ideas, opportunities, challenges and problems. I help them to establish the skillset and core competencies they need to succeed and thrive in their current and future roles.

Career Planning and Development

Clients are sometimes unclear about their career path and goals. I help them to gain clarity around their career vision and goals using a structured methodology that takes into account their abilities, traits, values and interests. I work with clients to create personal action plans, enabling them to be successful in their current roles and strategically position themselves for their desired career progression.

Sounding Board

Thoughts, ideas, opportunities, concerns and challenges of leaders and managers can be discussed and explored in an objective, safe and creative environment. Perspective and unbiased insight are central to the engagement. I help clients find real solutions through meaningful questioning and exploratory discussion.

Positive Accountability

Every good plan needs to be implemented through consistent activity. I work with business owners and managers to create ambitious, realistic and achievable plans. The implementation of the plans is supported through weekly check-in phone calls and emails, monthly strategic meetings, quarterly reviews and yearly planning sessions. Accountability sessions ensure that owners and managers keep on track with key tasks and activities. This supportive and positive process, based on reflection and discussion, identifies areas where the business can grow from being good to being great.

Marketing Strategy and Planning Coaching

Every business and person needs a strategy combined with a clear action and implementation plan. I coach managers to create marketing strategies and SMART plans that enable them to clarify and reach their business goals. I guide companies through the methodology of marketing strategy formulation and planning, teaching them the skillset to be self sufficient going forward.

Sales & Business Development Process Coaching

Sales and business development activity are increasingly challenging in todays competitive market. I work with Marketing / Sales Managers and their teams to create marketing, sales and business development processes with realistic, effective and manageable actions. I help companies to reflect on whats working and whats not and work with them to pivot and adapt as needed to achieve their sales and customer acquisition goals.