One of my all time favourite movies is Forrest Gump. There’s a great scene where Forrest, played by the incredible Tom Hanks, is running across America from coast to coast. Mid way through the scene, some reporters run alongside him and ask him why is he doing what he is doing. His reply . . . . . . 

“I just felt like runnin’”

I am a big fan of running. I am not a fast runner. I am not a competitive runner. That’s not why I run. I just like running. I like what it does for me.

It wasn’t always so. I played hurling up to my late 20’s. That involved a lot of pre season training and ongoing fitness, speed  and stamina running. It was tough going. But it was necessary to perform at a certain level. In my “retirement” from sport, I lost a lot of my fitness. Other things took over including starting a family (sleep deprivation anyone?) and building my careers. That’s life!

Fast forward to six years ago when I decided to try my hand at running again. I was inspired by two different sources. One was radio and TV presenter Ray Darcy, a long term advocate of running and fitness. The other was a brilliant programme called “Ironmind” by Niall Beslin. They both gave me the much needed nudge to get going. So I went away and bought a proper pair of runners. I started slowly. To begin with, I could barely complete a 2 mile loop around our locality without stopping. I stuck with it and it got better. Some days it’s easier than others. Some days it’s harder going. But I never regret going for a run. Ever.

Why is that? Well, I enjoyed getting physically fitter again. I also felt I was setting a good example for the camogie teams I coach and train, including my own daughters. However the biggest impact was on my mental health and fitness. It’s the same today. Running gives me headspace. The combination of physical exercise, fresh air and time to think (or not think!) has made a big difference in my life. There are hundreds of articles explaining why exercise works so I’ll leave it to the qualified experts (one example here) to explain the reasoning behind it. All I know is that it really works for me and for so many people I know and work with. Exercise has helped a lot in recent months with the challenges we are all dealing with.

It doesn’t matter how you exercise or what you do to get moving more. It could be walking, hiking, tai chi, yoga, cycling or whatever. The key is to pick something that you enjoy or can grow to enjoy more going forward. It’s not about how far or how fast. It’s about starting and keeping going. And it’s not about making comparisons. There’s nothing to be gained by comparing yourself to others. Other people have their own exercise journey. Focus on your journey. Enjoy it. Remember WHY you exercise. Its about your mental health and fitness. Exercise makes life better for us all and for the people around us.

Tie up those laces and go ! 

Tie up those laces and go!



































































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